PMS doesn't have to be a barrier to love
I know, because that was my story.
When I came off the pill after 12 years, I knew shit was about to get real
I had experienced extreme premenstrual mood swings and rage before going on the pill. And I knew that the premenstrual darkness would be waiting for me.
But what I wasn't prepared for was the impact this had on my relationship.
I tried everything.
I was balancing my hormones, changing my diet, exercising and supplementing with herbs.
But every month like clockwork premenstrual symptoms would wreak havoc on my self esteem and my relationships.
I'd find myself a chaotic blend of feeling extra needy, but pushing my partner away. I'd become someone I didn't like, feeling angry and resentful which then sent me into a shame spiral.
I knew that I must be missing something.
The Shadow
That missing something was the psychospiritual aspects of my menstrual cycle. I was treating my PMS like something I needed to shun, rather than looking at the deeper meaning behind it.
I came to learn that my symptoms were a call from neglected and suppressed parts of myself that were begging for attention.
I was being exposed to aspects of myself that I did not like. The parts of myself that I was adamant did not exist within me.
The grief. The rage. The people-pleasing. The attachment wounding. All of it was asking to be witnessed and welcomed home.
Parts that would continue to hijack me if I continued to try and ignore them.
So I turned towards them.
The result?
Less PMS. Deeper intimacy in my relationship. More self-esteem and a sense of wholeness within myself. And that's what I want for my clients.
Navigating PMS in relationships
Whilst I work with women who's PMS affects their lives in a variety of ways, I have a special interest in the point where PMS and relationships intersect
It's not easy to face your darkness and navigate the premenstrual phase. It's a whole other ball game to do that in the context of a relationship.
It requires you to not only face your personal shadow, but also your relational shadow.
It's hard and I get it.
Relationships have been the cause of my greatest woundings and the path to my deepest healing.
When viewing PMS in the context of how it impacts relationships, it can reveal so much about how we relate to others on a subconscious level. As our menstrual cycle and relationship act as mirrors, they reveal hidden opportunities for our own growth and expansion into the fullest version of ourselves.
I've seen that to be true in both myself and my clients.
My Approach
I help women navigate and tend to the psychospiritual aspects and parts of themselves that are calling for their attention through their premenstrual experience.
By finding the wisdom in their experience, rather than pathologising it, their symptoms ease and relationships strengthen.
My approach rests on one fundamental principle - Our menstrual cycle is an embodied reflection of our psyche.
If you'd like to learn more about my approach, I encourage you to dive into my podcast, blog and the Free Premenstrual Survival Pack
In my work, I act as a guide and facilitate the unfolding your process within the frameworks I teach. You won't find me preaching "shoulds" or "musts".
This work can be catalytic so I am deeply committed to creating trauma-informed spaces in all my work, both group and 1:1.
I also know my own limits and boundaries and have referral systems in place if what you need is out of my scope of practice, to ensure I am working ethically at all times.
Ready to get started?
If you feel like we might be a fit, you can read more about different ways to work with me here.
Work with me
Getting personal
When I'm not with clients you can usually find me in nature -The more time I can spend in nature the better! Otherwise you'll find me reading a witchy fantasy book or getting creative at the pottery wheel or painting.
I'm a late-diagnosis ADHDer, a sucker for an Oat Milk Chai Latte and I lived in a van for a year with my partner Jake and fur-baby Lola.
I'm a northern (Yorkshire) lass currently based in Suffolk, UK but my favourite place in the world is North West Scotland.
Training & Credentials
Menstruality Leadership Programme, Red School
Trauma-Informed Sensual Embodiment Facilitator Training, Sensual Somatic
ICF Accredited Flow Coach Training, Flow Centre
Physiology, BSc, University of Bristol
Translational Cardiovascular Medicine, MSc, University of Bristol